Las Vegas Exterior Painting
The weather of Southern Nevada can be very harsh on the exterior of your home, so protect your home with acrylic paints, enamels, and elastomeric coatings designed to weather-proof your wood trim and seal your stucco to prevent cracks.
When repainting your home, preparation and repair is the most important step of your job and 80% of the labor. To begin the process, the first step is power washing followed by proper dry time. Secondly, complete masking of all patios, windows, walkways and roofing areas. Most important is a complete and thorough repair to any stucco damage, retexture any stucco loss, wood sanding, wood replacement, priming of wood trim or rusted iron, crack repairs, and caulking of all window frame-joint-openings, door frames and patio ceilings.
Once your home has been properly prepared we give you a custom paint job applied professionally, followed by complete clean up and final inspection.
Call today for a free estimate for any of your painting needs.